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Flutter Mobile Development

8 Enrolled
64 hours

About Course

Flutter Mobile Development is a cross-platform mobile development framework that enables developers to create stunning and performant mobile applications. Throughout this course, the students will learn the following key topics:

Demo App: Talo-wadaag

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to build a simple demo app called Talo-wadaag. This app will showcase the concepts and techniques covered during the course, providing students with a tangible project to reinforce their learning.

What Will You Learn?

  • Layouts and Widgets: Students will learn how to design intuitive and visually appealing user
  • interfaces using Flutter's flexible widget system. Various layout options and widget
  • customization techniques will be explored.
  • Forms and API Calls: Students will understand the process of building forms and handling user
  • input in Flutter applications. They will also learn how to interact with APIs to retrieve and send
  • data from/to remote servers.
  • Navigations: The course will delve into different navigation techniques, including navigating
  • between screens, implementing bottom navigation, and creating dynamic routing within the
  • app.
  • State Management: Students will explore various state management approaches in Flutter to
  • efficiently handle application state and ensure a smooth user experience. Concepts such as
  • setState, Provider, and Bloc will be covered.
  • Data Persistence: Zakaria will guide students in implementing data persistence techniques in
  • Flutter apps, enabling them to store and retrieve data locally using databases or key-value
  • storage.
  • Deployment: The course will conclude with a focus on deploying Flutter apps to both Android
  • and iOS platforms. Students will learn how to generate release builds, handle app signing, and
  • publish their apps to app stores


  • First Degree in IT or Equivalent


  • Undergraduate students in IT

Course Content

First Step

  • Introduction

Layout and Widgets
Section Two Layout and Widgets

Forms and API Calls


State Management

Data Persistence



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